

Note: if u want to add more cheats for the cheat device,simply create a folder on ur PSP and just copy the cheats notepad on the Cheats folder. Not verifying other games.This GTA liberty city stories trainer can run on any PSP firmwares! (no need for the cheat device save just this prx version and comes with addable cheats for the cheat device)ġ.) first of all, install this prx file for the trainer.ok here are the links 4 it:Ģ.)now,put ur PSP in usb mode.then copy the prx file u just downloaded in the seplugins folder of your PSP.after that,copy this line at game.txt and vsh.txt: ms0:/seplugins/lcscheatdevice.prx Note for 3.71 - 4.01ģ.)now,go to recovery mode and go to plugins>then enable lcscheatdevic.prx by pressing XĤ.) launch the game and press L1 + up to open cheat device. the program on windows freezes and crashes (even if its ran under administrator).

remotejoylite remotejoylite

plugins works perfectly in VSH but in game there are crashes. This way, you can easily capture the screen, record videos of the gameplay, and play your PSP videos on the larger screen. PSP 3000 6.39PRO-B8 all plugins disabled EXCEPT remotejoylite.prx (latest version). PSP does not vibrate Can send rumble signals to PS3 controller Similar to Veency for iPhone, RemoteJoyLite is a free application that allows you to output the PSP screen onto your monitor and control it right from your handheld device. The controllers are way too better not to use. The new price slipped onto the official site, without an announcement to. I'm filing a feature request to add Controller API for RemoteJoy core so it at least can be compatible with the controllers. Sony quietly unveiled a new price drop on its PSP Go today, down to an MSRP of 149.99 from its previous price of 199.99. There may be no such option like that for linux or MacOSX.Īfter setting everything up with the PSP, I was able to remotejoy a game right away! The problem is that I think the core currently does not support any inputs from the controller and I don't see anything on libretro wiki. RemoteJoy Lite seems to be for Windows Only. To set up controller on Windows, you would right-click on RemoteJoy window and configure everything from there. Click the 'O' button on the PSP to disconnect the USB connection and the PSP screen will appear in the Remote Joy Lite window on the computer. Remotejoy is picking up the stream, it does not say 'waiting' in the corner. When I start the game, my PSP locks up with a black screen. Remotejoy works fine with everything, except pops. A black screen will appear with a 'Waiting' message in the top right corner. Trying to play Chrono Cross through remotejoy.


It's locked.Īfter looking around, it seems that with RemoteJoy (maybe Windows only), you're able to control the PSP game through USB or WiFi with a controller of your choice. Open the 'RemoteJoyLite' folder and double-click the 'RemoteJoyLiteen' file. I can't file an issue at libretro-remotejoy.
